January 21, 2010

LIfe so Hard..

When things start getting complicated.

why there's always something to grumble about..
why cant i be just fine...
just happy with my life...

well maybe i'm only human..
its what human always do..

January 13, 2010

Oh 2010....

2010 Oh! 2010....
What a year...
hoping this year would be better then years before....

Tak henti-henti aku wishing this 2010
lebih baik dari tahun2 sebelum ni...
so that 2010 ni jadi permulaan
perjalanan hidup yang at least

January 05, 2010

Not A Good Start!!

Permulaan Tahun Baru Yang tak berapa menarik..
dengan berita2 yang kurang menyenangkan..

what a life..
what a world....

January 04, 2010

Gift from me to you!!

This is what i do on my past time..
this cute idea i get it from=
here- U Create
& of course this cute thing is for
my special someone...
childish? well sometime childish is good....
Daisypath Anniversary tickers